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REM-ember PartsPak................. Re-Engineered Machines with FULLY UPGRADED CONTROLS!

Partspak's Performance Team™ have just received a number of Ilapak Delta / Carrera flowrappers, Sandiacre baggers and Yamato weighers, and they're getting FULLY UPGRADE CONTROLS!

These latest machines are going through the process of being turned into PartsPak REM machines and will soon be available to ship with completely upgraded controls systems - allowing customers to invest in some great equipment with zero obsolescence risk!

Interested? Let us demo a PartsPaks REM to you!

The machines we've received are:

Ilapak Delta 3000

Ilapak Delta 2000

Ilapak Carrera 500

Yamato ADW510 SW / 716MW

Sandiacre TG250

Ilapak Vegatronic 2000

These PartsPak REM machines will be ready for shipment to customers in the coming weeks, so don't miss out call us today on:

UK +44 (0)1603 856 730
+33 6 07 35 26 55
ITALY +39 340 830 1496
USA +1 (267) 691-3600

or if you prefer to write to us, use our online form.


Some examples of recent REM projects include:

- a Hayssen U400 bagger that was fully re-engineered and upgraded with a brand new controls platform and servo technology

- a fully re-engineered Yamato ADW714 multi-head weigher

- a Sandiacre TG400 bagger with heat seal to Poly conversion and

- an Ilapak Delta 2000 MAP flowrapper.


Already have your own equipment from one of these brands?  PartsPak can even re-engineer your existing equipment, eliminating your existing obsolescence risk and extending the life of your equipment for another full life-cycle....

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